Thefts of Kia and Honda Automobiles Continue to Soar.

As thefts of certain Honda and Kia models continue to soar, many auto insurance companies are now pushing back.

Some auto insurance companies now flat out refuse to insure certain models, while most others will only do so if acceptable remedies have been implemented.

Since 2021, thefts of 2011 to 2021 Kias and 2015 to 2021 Hondas have spread like wildfire.  All thanks to a viral TikTok video first posted in 2021, then again resurfacing in July 2022.  The video depicts how easy it is to start and steal the affected vehicles with only a screwdriver and a USB cable.  In Portland, Oregon Kia thefts increased by 916%, and Hondas by 768%.

I am considering purchasing a Kia or Honda.  What should I do?

Before buying, contact the dealership and have them run the serial number.  Buying from a dealer?  Have another dealer run the VIN.  Find out if there is new anti-theft software available, and if so – has it been completed yet?  No software available?  Then you need to consider the cost and your own willingness to have an aftermarket auto theft system installed, or the religious use of a club.  Outside of those remedies, most insurance companies are now saying “no” to adding them to your policy.

I already have a Kia or Honda, now what? 

Same deal.  Call the local dealership and have them search the VIN for the new anti theft software.  If it’s available, it should be done free of charge.  If there isn’t a re-program, you should consider a security system or the use of a club.  If you have a garage, park that vehicle inside as much as you can.  A class action lawsuit was also recently filed that you may want to jump in on.

For more information, contact Beck Insurance Agency in Archbold or Whitehouse, Ohio.  Call 419-446-2777, email us at, or click here to submit your request.

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